10 ways to grow your business - Online business plan for coaches and service providers who want to scale their business

Disclaimer: This blog is a transcript from my podcast episode. There may be some grammatical errors wherever AI had brain farts 🤣 But the content is still amazing and you’ll get the jist! Thanks for reading! <3 Tiffany


If you’re up at 2 a.m. Googling things like “Marketing strategy examples” and “5 ways to improve business”, you are in for such a treat and this episode is gonna BLOW YOUR MIND!

Because I’m not only gonna give you strategies you can start implementing today, I’m also going to help you do something even more important: listen to the CREATOR of your business again! 

You are the most important asset to your business and it’s important that you grow in a way where you can make an impact, feel fulfilled, and make money doing what you love. 

You might have heard that any business strategy works if you commit to it. Well I disagree! 

If you wanted to play rinse and repeat the rest of your life, you would’ve stayed in your 9-5.

You got into an online business to live out your dreams. To share your gifts with the world. To love what you do every day. And what you’re doing IS working, but it doesn’t feel like ‘you’ anymore. And continuing business that way feels inauthentic and uninspiring. 

You are called to more!

Because once you hit a certain level of success, staying the same becomes uncomfortable. Gone are the days of shiny object syndrome, this is a deep knowing that you're outgrowing parts (or all!) of your business.

So how do you transition your messaging and marketing in a seamless way so it doesn't look like you've lost your marbles?? That's what I'm covering in this episode!

Think of this as your online business plan to tap into fun and expansiveness again! Because you have been running your business on autopilot for way too long, and it’s time to start adding some YOU back into your business. 


You don't need to know how to build from scratch because you're already successful, but you're looking to try new things to see what fits like a glove. 

You started by learning processes and business models and other programs, but you've lost the essence of you in it all. You want to find your voice again, amplify your voice in the things that make sense to you, the things that feel good to you. So this episode is for the woman who's looking to scale, pivot, grow and make business fun again. 

My name is Tiffany. I am a communication coach and I help women evolve in their business, build a business messaging and marketing that can evolve with them and not stay 10 steps behind so that everything in your business feels authentic to you, feels fun to you, And it feels like you. 

Who wants to be running someone else's business, right? So it feels like you and you love what you do every day. And like I say, we don't expect to be throwing glitter farts all day long, but there are parts of business that are necessary evils, you know that by now because you're already successful, but your business should light you up. You should love most parts of your business. If not, why are you in it? So I'll be going through these quickly, but really each one can be their own episode. And if you want more details on any of these, email me requesting an episode and I'd love to talk more about it. So here are 10 ways to grow your business. And this is the online business plan for coaches and service providers who want to scale their business.

This can look like pivoting. This can look like adding a branch to your current business. This can look so many different ways. So these 10 things that we're going to talk about are going to give you ideas to start. Getting some momentum and going because I know you have a lot of ideas. You need to start taking action.


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1. Ask for coaching opportunities and other group programs.

You get to do what you love without the pressure of the sale and I love guest coaching and group programs I am available if anybody wants me to guest coach in their program on messaging and marketing because it's a really fun opportunity to connect with people without feeling like There's a hook at the end like you're burying the hook and you're like, oh, hey, guess what work with me You know, it kind of feels inauthentic sometimes the way we are taught sales, but that's a whole other conversation.

But number one is to ask for coaching opportunities in other group programs. In other people that, you know, in your network that would love to have you start reaching out and say, Hey, I'm available for this. I think that would be a really great fit for your group and for your program and be an asset to the women who are in your group.

So I think that's a really fun opportunity that I love participating in too.


2. Create a micro program about something you really love. 

And this is the perfect way to transition to creating a new business. And it doesn't feel like it's coming out of nowhere for your audience.

So you can't be a chef one day and then a mechanic the next day, it's going to be like, Whoa, did, Did someone hack your account? Like what happened here? So this is the perfect way to transition from what you're currently talking about to your next step that you're feeling called to do. So create a micro program about something you really love. 


3. Create video content and add some different types of content to the mix that you're doing right now. 

It's going to get you more visibility.

You can Put it on different platforms And it's something different, something fun. Like we love all those dopamine hits to our brain, right? So your brain's like, Oh yeah, let's do more videos. And we think of something else and it becomes really fun. So create video content.  


4. Create a podcast.

I am loving podcasting right now.

I am a copywriter. I'm a content creator. I'm all of those things, but I really love that I'm standing in my old room right now in my closet and recording this podcast and it's going to be so great for so many people. I'm disciplining myself to be more consistent because when it comes to my own business, sometimes I have a hard time being consistent with my marketing because first of all, I'm busy helping others with their marketing. And second of all, I'm just a procrastinator.

I can't even lie. So creating a podcast is really fun because you get to speak all your thoughts that make sense in a strategic way to grow your business. One thing about podcasting is that there is a strategy. There is a strategy to get seen, to get clients. And it becomes really fun when you know what you're doing, when you have the right direction. And I've really learned a lot from this new podcast program I joined called Profitable Podcast Blueprint with Juliana Barbati.

And she is amazing. She is a top half percent podcaster. Podcaster in globally and she leads with her heart like I think I have posted in the group about 25,000 times since we started but I just want to make sure that my foundations are good and she's there To lead you to guide you if this is something you're interested in I will leave the link and my affiliate link in the show notes because it's truly such a wonderful program and I feel like I can Take on podcasting confidently on my own.

This is for a DIYer. She also has an agency, but I don't want to do that right now. I want to learn the foundations myself and I want to do it myself. And so creating a podcast the right way, the strategic way, which means not just recording from your heart, because I mean, maybe people like Brooke Castillo and things like that can do that because they have thousands of people at their disposal right away.

We probably don't, and so we have to do it strategically using keywords and SEO and all these things that I've learned. And it's been so fun to learn and implement and understand how this can grow your business. So if you're interested in creating a podcast, if you're interested in growing your podcast the right way, the strategic way, the fast way, because I've gotten more listens in this past, like two weeks than I have in the past six months where I wasn't doing anything and it's getting me visibility on all my episodes.

So it's really, really fun. So creating a podcast. is another option for you. And I will leave the link if you want to look into this program. I highly suggest you do. Not because I'm an affiliate. Even if I wasn't, I was already telling a bunch of people about this program because I'm just so pleased with every single question that you could ever have about podcasting.

Like how to repurpose your episodes it's just amazing. So check it out here.


5. Repurposing your content will grow your business. 

And this can look like starting with a written post. And from there, you take out the bullet points and turn them into reels.

You can take highlights from there and turn them into quotes on Canva. You can use them as hooks on the little cute Facebook card things with colorful images. That's what I do. I usually do a long post or, you know, like what's a long form post. and the hook itself, I put it onto a separate post. It gets people's interest going and then when they recognize that on the long post, they'll already be interested to start reading it because they've already read that really powerful hook.

So I love doing things that way. I am personally not good with repurposing. I have so much great content as a copywriter and as an editor. I have all of these great things, but I'm just not good with repurposing. I got to get better with that, but one thing at a time. That is one idea to start growing your business and scaling. 

Now, this next set of five is non-traditional, but so important because it's focused on the creator of your business. And that's you. You are the most important asset to your business. Your clients need you. Your business needs your creativity. You need to love what you do and feel fulfilled.

And then outside of that, your whole life needs you because you're probably a house manager like I am. If you're a mom with small kids and, you know, juggling the appointments and the tournaments and all of these things. And, you know,  This kid needs socks. The other kids need pants and it's just a never ending thing.


So the next five things that I'm going to tell you to grow your business online are non-traditional, but equally as important. 


6. Therapy

I know that most high achieving women are into therapy. 

They recognize the importance of growth, of self trust, of self accountability, all of these things. But, you know, sometimes we drop off when we feel like things are going well. Well, Well, get back into it because therapy will help you dissect those things in your brain that are actually affecting your business.

You can stop projecting when you're writing and, you know, assuming things about your clients that aren't true or people that want to work with you or don't want to work with you. You get to work on your subconscious stuff, and I am certified in subconscious marketing, and that's where we take your content and speak to the subconscious of your dream clients in an ethical way.

It's something that hits their desires. And so it is a powerful tool for your marketing, but we all have subconscious junk we need to work on and when we don't go to therapy when we don't talk this out With someone who is qualified because it's not the same as talking to your friends or talking to your husband as he's playing video Games, whatever the case may be.

It's not the same right? So go to the qualified professional. They can help you Dissect and extract all of these things from your heart and your brain and that will grow your business and it really all comes down to who you are attracting and why in your business is because of the things you haven't worked on on the inside.

I'll repeat that again. Who you are attracting and why in your business, it comes down to the things that you have not worked on on the inside. And that's why. I'm not just a business coach. I'm not just a life coach. I help people communicate the things that they need to communicate in a way that reaches the person it needs to reach because I don't shy away from life stuff.

I was a marriage coach. And so if you need to have a deep conversation with your husband, because you want to scale your business and you don't feel supported, then we can do that. I have the tools and the resources to give you that. If you need to talk to your mother and heal that relationship, I have the tools and resources to do that because all of this affects your business.

And when you heal all of these things, I'm not a healer. I always disclaimer that I am not a healer, but I have tools for you to start these processes that you know are so backed up in your life. And it's time to start working on them. So therapy, working with a professional so that your business can grow is always a great investment.


7. Take vacations and truly unplug

You're successful. You take your vacations. You have your me time But I want you to say this with me. My business will survive if I go offline for a couple of days Because you work so hard and you don't ever fully feel the reward, Because you don't immerse yourself in disconnecting.

You're changing your clothes to get ready for the pool and you just check your Facebook real quick. You check your emails real quick while the kids are playing and you know, or you're waiting for dinner. Whatever the case may be, you're always going to have an open loop. If you're not fully disconnected, you're always going to have an open loop in your brain that's telling you like, check this, maybe this happened, maybe this person made that payment, maybe this person signed up, check your lead magnet, all of these things.

So it's a very subtle thing that even if it happens just once, because I know at this point you might be more disciplined than you were in the beginning, but even if it happens just once, You're leaving room for that perfectionism. What if something does happen? What if you get a terrible email from a client and they're like, you know what? I want to cancel from a long term client. Like this just isn't working.

Like that would totally suck on your vacation. So complete immersion and disconnecting is what you need to practice next time you go on vacation. 


8. Build self trust in micro ways.

Listen to the little things your intuition is telling you. And this is really going to help prevent imposter syndrome because you're not constantly going against yourself.

Every day we go against what our intuition is telling us, and we know it and we realize it when it's true. It's too late and we say, you know, I knew I should have taken that other street because at this time the street is really busy here and now we're going to be late to our appointment and all of these little things where you're like, I knew it, but when you're going against yourself all day long, it's going to be really hard for you to trust yourself to take that next step in your business, for you to trust yourself, to let your business evolve and grow with you.

It's going to be really hard to do that. If in all of these micro ways you are going against what your brain and your gut is telling you. And so I want you to. Start looking for opportunities every day to build self trust in micro ways. Maybe you had dinner planned to cook, but it was a long day, or you just feel like ordering pizza to have a fun experience with the kids. Do it. Something like that is a micro way that you can start building self trust. You're not gonna regret it in the end. You're gonna be like, thank God I listened to myself.

I didn't have to clean up the kitchen so long. And all of these things that just build on each other, that tell your subconscious too, like, you know what you're doing. You got this. And trust your judgment.

Because even though you are successful and you are a master at what you're currently doing, the fact that you're trying to scale, evolve, grow, change your messaging, your marketing, all of those things, that's all kind of starting over again at a certain degree. And then your brain and your subconscious is like, no, no, no, we don't want to do that.

So build self trust to counteract The little seeds of doubt that might come up as you're trying to grow.


9. Take away the meaning from every failure. 

See everything as data. If you put out a lead magnet and you don't get the response you were hoping for, see it as data.

What in this lead magnet could I have tweaked to make this messaging more relevant to my clients or to my ideal clients? What part of this ad could I have changed to make it more relevant? Is it the picture? Is it the font? You know all of these things now, I'm not saying overanalyze and go crazy, but see things from a zoomed out perspective as data. 

Okay, that didn't work. What else can I try? Now, obviously this also doesn't mean to try something new every day. You know this but I'm just reminding you to take away the meaning of It doesn't mean anything about you as a person, as an entrepreneur, as a creative person. It doesn't mean anything about you. It just means that you tried and you gave yourself permission to try and that is huge.

So you're going to eliminate the failure analyze pause cycle before your launches because we feel like we failed. We pause, we dissect everything a million ways and all of that is wasting time for your next launch. All of that is wasting time to grow your business in the way that you want to.

So we're going to stop putting so much meaning on failures and results that come out different than how we expected.


10. Decide and go so that you can grow. 

Decide and go so that you can grow. The people that come to me don't have a lack of ideas. They're not like, I don't even know, like, what do I do? No, it's like, I have all of these ideas. I don't know which avenue to take. Let's talk this through. How do I choose?

I'm so good at this. I'm so good at that. How do I choose? So then I sit with them and I help them dissect and I can recognize the things that They love doing, the things that light them up because your body language changes, your tone changes, your face changes. When you start talking about the things that you're passionate about.

And so there's things that we feel like we should be talking about because either they're from our past career, they're from what made us successful. And then there's things that we just love, but we are afraid to build a business on them. We're afraid to scale in that way. And so when I talk with people, I help them decide.

And go tweak and refine quickly. We're getting momentum. We're going, we're deciding you're, you're getting out of the thinking phase and starting getting into the doing phase. And that's what we do together. And if this is something that interests you, then you would be a perfect fit for my brain to brilliance session.

We sit and we talk about Your ideas, your next step, where you are, where you want to be, how we can get there, and I close that gap for you in practical steps because I am all about practical. I don't want to see you build a 12 step funnel and take three months to refine and put it out into the world and see the results.

No, we're getting there. Microsteps, we're getting momentum, we're going, we're getting you out of your head, and we're starting to build the next chapter of your business, bringing along the wonderful things that you love from your current business. We're not burning it all down, and that's a misconception.

You don't have to burn everything down when you want to evolve. You get to choose the parts of your business that you want to bring along with you. And that is a beautiful thing. So if you want to brain to brilliance session with me, let's do it. I'm excited. This is what I love and I want you to look in the show notes and book your session with me so that we can get momentum going.

We can help your messaging and your marketing evolve right along with you as you grow as a person because there are things in your marketing and messaging that you learn when the Pelotons were on backorder. So we need to change that. Okay. So the time flies and you just get into a rinse and repeat cycle, but that's not you.

So let's get out of rinse and repeat and get back to authenticity.

Let's keep this party going! 🥳

You’re sitting on a GOLDMINE of brilliant ideas that need to be talked through and decluttered. Let’s extract the best of that together and turn it into a dream client marketing magnet in my Brain to Brilliance session!

Binge my free masterclasses and uplevel your messaging at TiffanyTuttleCommunity.Com

Get in on the secret podcast that’ll tell you exactly what your ideal client wants to hear! Here it is!

Wanna work together? Send me an email or DM and let's chat!


DM: https://www.m.me/tiffanytuttle21


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