Copywriting tips: What to avoid so you can make an impact! How to captivate your audience and stand out as a thought leader

Disclaimer: This blog is a transcript from my podcast episode. There may be some grammatical errors wherever AI had brain farts 🤣 But the content is still amazing and you’ll get the jist! Thanks for reading! <3 Tiffany

My name is Tiffany and I am a communication coach and copy expert and I help put your best thoughts and ideas into words that people can relate to and sell out your programs. There's a mistake you're making in your copy. That's subtle. Your audience is picking up on it and it's downplaying your authority. There's two words that I guarantee you are using in your copy and it's making you waste time and it's extending your sales cycle by having to convince people of your authority. 

And the thing is, it's very subtle, but once you remove this, it's going to boost you to instant authority and people are going to stick to your content like honey and people are going to be all over your content because they're going to see you as the authority. Women like us who want to lead with integrity, who don't want to step on other people's toes to make ourselves shine are very careful about the things that we say in our copy. 

And that's a good thing until you start downplaying your own authority without realizing it. And by using these words that I'm going to share with you today you are telling people this is what I think, but there's other people out there that might think differently that you might like. And you're not establishing yourself as the only solution. 

And that is what we have to be convinced of. We are the only solution for our ideal clients because if we don't believe that, then they're not going to believe that. And that's not to say that there aren't other people in the industry that are great that can serve them in another way, maybe even serve them in a similar way that you do. But we have to project that we are the only the best and the appropriate solution for their needs. 

So what's the first thing that kills your authority in your copy? It's saying, I believe, I believe that women need a website in order to succeed. I believe that your branding is even more important than your copy. I believe that you need a sales funnel in order to land clients. I believe that you need a really persuasive email sequence to be able to land clients. 

These are some examples of things that people believe in other industries, but they're not portraying that in their copy. They're saying things like I believe that you need a sales funnel, but you know, you might be able to just get clients on reels and so you're just wiping away everything that you just said to sell yourself and we don't want to do that in our copy any platform and any strategy will work if you're willing to say what no one else will. 

And part of that is to say that you have the solution that is easiest for your clients. It's going to get them to the best, win, the quickest, win the most sustainable, win, whatever it is that you offer them and let them know that you believe that wholeheartedly. The second thing you're saying that is killing your authority and making people doubt you is saying, I think, I think people need to declutter their homes in order to thrive in business. 

I think people need to have a healthy relationship with their mother in order to thrive in business. I think people need to have healthy meals in order to feel like a good mom, whatever it is that you stand on, whatever it is that your die on this hill message is you need to say that with conviction 

and other people will join in. Other people will follow suit your copy and your content is an invitation to them to believe your message. 

It's showing them illuminating their problem without drilling on pain points because we don't need to do that when we know what I teach, which is subconscious marketing. We just need to illuminate the problem in a positive way and invite them to trust your authority and you do that by eliminating things. Like I think, I believe one way these kinds of phrases are positioning them to open their mind about other things. 

And so when you say, I think, I believe maybe kind of sort of sorry. That's another one, that's another big one is saying, I'm sorry. But I really think that that's just a double whammy right there. But I'm sorry, but you need to be able to exercise five days a week in order to have a healthy heart. I'm sorry. But you know, these things, we do them to be politically correct. 

Sometimes we can do them to kind of call attention to it, but it can have a reverse effect and make it seem like you are the one who's not sure of what you're talking about and they're definitely not going to be sure about what you're talking about after that. So this was a quick little nugget episode to give you those two insights and the copy mistakes that you're making so that you can change that in your copy from now on. 

And you're going to elevate yourself to instant authority in your audience's eyes and you're going to be seen as an expert because there's no doubt in your mind. There's no doubt in your copy. And that starts to remove the doubt from their mind as to who you are and how you can help them instant authority with just removing those two words. 



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